In this section of our Blog you can view Drink Driving Cases and Results.

Mid Range Drink Driving Parramatta Local Court

Mid Range Drink Driving Matter in Parramatta Local Court A wonderful result for a client today who was charged with mid range drink driving. Our client needed his licence for work as a truck driver. He also looked after his elderly, ill mother and father. After hearing our submissions, and seeing all the testimonials, the Court gave our client a section 10 dismissal subject to a 9 month good behaviour bond. Our client was very happy and very emotional. We too were elated with the [...]

Low Range PCA – Waverly Local Court

Our Drink Driving client had a lot riding on today's result, his employment, ability to pay debts and independence were all on the line. Comprehensive submissions and thorough preparation eventually convinced the Magistrate at Waverly Court to exercise discretion. Our client can now drive immediately and return to his daily life without concerns about the very real ramifications a loss of license would have had.

Section 10 with good behaviour bond for third drink driving matter at Campbelltown Local Court

A stellar result today for our client who is a repeat offender. This was his third drink driving matter and he had been disqualified previously for similar matters. Some detailed submissions were made to the Court about our client's need for a licence and his personal circumstances. We also had medical evidence to tender and showed that our client was seeking help for his dependency on alcohol. Our client also had evidence about his reliance on his drivers licence for work. After hearing submissions, the [...]

Section 10 in Parramatta Local Court for low range drink driving matter

Low Range PCA | Drink Driving Charge We appeared in a low range drink driving matter (reading 0.68) at Parramatta Local Court. Our client was a mature aged lady, who was actively involved in the community and needed her licence to begin a new job that she just managed to obtain. Her new role was located in an area where public transport was sparse. Also, our client's elderly mother relied on her to take her to medical appointments and to assist her from time to time [...]

Section 10 for Low Range Drink Driving Matter at Fairfield Local Court

Low Range Drink Driving Charge Fairfield Local Court Our client is a young man who found himself on the wrong side of the law when he was pulled over for drink driving. He has been battling depression on his own and had been self medicating with alcohol. When we met him, we referred him to his GP for assessment and referral to a drug and alcohol specialist. We made submissions to the Court about our client's struggles and his treatment plan. We also tendered some [...]

Section 10 in Burwood Local Court for MID RANGE Drink Driving

Mid Range Drink Driving Charge | Section 10 A fantastic result for our client who was charged for mid range drink driving matter. He needed his licence to get to and from work and to support his wife and young family. After hearing our submissions and reading the references in support of our client, Burwood Local Court granted our client a Section 10 (1) (b) dismissal of his matter. Our client was relieved and overjoyed with the outcome and sent us an email thanking us [...]

Low Range DUI, PCA (Section 10) – Sydney Downing Centre Local Court

Great result for a deserving client today charged with Low Range Drink Driving to appear in the Sydney Downing Centre. Our client was charged with a low range drink driving with aggravating features. His driving record was extensive. He desperately needed his licence so he could continue with his Real Estate business. After careful preparation and submissions by us, our client got the Section 10 outcome he sought and was able to drive home.

Low Range PCA (Section 10) – Liverpool Local Court

Our Liverpool client is employed in the transport industry and came to see us because any loss of license would mean he would no longer be able to earn an income, he has no other skills. His Honor had regard to our submissions and our client's improved driving history in recent years. The matter was dealt with by way of a Section 10 good behavior bond which means he can continue to drive and provide for his young family.

High Range PCA – Campbelltown Local Court

Campbelltown Local Court. We were instructed by our client  after he returned a reading in the high range during a night out. He also had a previous high range many years ago. Our client received a job offer up the coast which would depend on the severity of the sentence, it was important that we achieved the best possible result. During our submissions we addressed the court on his need for a license and lengthy period during which he committed no driving offences. His Honour was convinced that [...]

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